How it all started...
The passion for Journey Biker Church came after experiencing defeat in ministry then unconditional support from bikers. Jim O’Brien tells that, “the journey God had for me led us to establish Journey Biker Church.” After undergoing a significant change to his ministry plans and leaving a role in a large church, Jim realized his believing biker friends stayed with him through all the difficulties, and just loved him. It was at that point he understood that the key to experiencing God at His fullest went beyond “church” and to active involvement in other people’s lives. Jim says, “God wants participation. We need to do more than be in church together. We need to be doing life together and seeing lives transformed.”
So, in September 2013, following much prayer and counsel from Godly pastors, God led Jim and Tammy O’ Brien to start Journey Biker Church. The next year the doors opened! We have watched God’s faithfulness and how He has built a community of authentic believers. We have experienced God's goodness and grace through numerous salvations, healings, life changes, and spiritual growth! Like riding is not just about motorcycles, Journey Biker Church is not just about attending a church. JBC is a true fellowship of believers walking together!

Continuing the Journey...
JBC is not about being complacent, but seeking God and the direction He wants us to go. As we are encouraging each other in our faith we are walking together, trusting God and following Him with each step we take! At JBC, we are willing to intercede for each other and to interact with our neighbors to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Our goal is to make an impact for Christ in our communities and surrounding areas. JBC is more than an authentic fellowship of believers, we are overcomers together!
Where we are headed...
…Wherever God takes us as we ride together! We want to see your life radically changed by Jesus Christ! We want to be His hands and feet to you, showing you what Christ has done for us, and what He will do through you! At JBC, we believe that God has a plan for your life and that He loves you! Through fellowship and friendships, you will experience encouragement and support during the detours and construction of life’s road. JBC is more than a group of people doing life together, it is about learning that you truly belong. Life’s a journey, let’s ride together!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10am
1616 Harley Davidson Blvd., Columbia, TN 38401
1616 Harley Davidson Blvd., Columbia, TN 38401